i figured that today's post should be about MEEEEEEEE!!!! LOL! seriously, i thought i'd just jot down some things that my blog family may not know about me. this is my attempt at being interesting :-S
20. i am terrified of catching some fungus or disease when getting my nails done (have you ever on occassion peeked into the next foot bin?) , so i have my own tools for them to use

19. i am a neat FREAK! tags must face a certain way, cabinet organization is tightly monitored, and i love the smell of clorox clean-up.
18. i eat tomatoes, but cannot stand the inside where the wet, mushy seeds are...so i usually just cut from the outer part. if i am using a slice of a tomato, i remove all of the seeds and wetness.
17. i don't believe in white chocolate. i have a firm belief that white chocolate seems unnatural and the taste and texture seems synthetic in comparison to regular brown chocolate. i will not eat it unless its barely detectable like maybe drizzled on something else.
16. i love candy. i can get out of bed and start eating it right away.
15. i love star jones (soon-to-be ex-reynolds)...so much so, i named my cat after her.

14. i am a certified phlebotomist. i was bored one day so i decided to take a class in something i knew nothing about, so i chose phlebotomy. and even tho i am "certified" i have never worked a day in that industry and never would. i hate being stuck so i don't think i could ever really stick people.
13. i LOVE pink
12. i've aways wondered what its like to have a weave. for some reason, i am intrigued by them. they look so neat...but i do not have the patience to sit for the braiding process and gluing is out of the question, so i guess i'll never get one :-S

11. i am obsessed with haut-chocolat (exotic chocolates). i love truffles infused with curry, hot chili peppers, violet flowers, wasabi, and manchego cheese
10. i have arthritis
9. i love dressing my hubby. he trusts my tastes so he pretty much wears whatever i buy...and i love buying!!!!
8. i have to go to target at least once a week or i won't feel normal :-S

7. i love to burn oils...candles are cute, but their fragrance doesn't carry enough for me. they are banished to the bathroom and i only burn them during bubble baths
6. i was once robbed by a crackhead. and after some super sleuthing...i found him and had him arrested.

5. i have NO problem speaking out against foolishness. i just had a bout with racism in one of my fave places where i was next in line, clearly standing at the counter. my friend was about 4 feet away from me. a woman walked in and pushed her way in between us and when the person behind the counter asked who was next, she started to speak. well, after i gave her the look of you-must-be-nuts, i kindly let her know that unless she was blind, she knew very well i was next and that she best excuse herself to the area behind my friend. she looked at me like-*gasp* how dare you? then she left the store...maybe she was embarrassed, but i loved it! i used to let stuff like that go and mumble under my breath...no more my friend!

3. photography is my love. i take pics EVERYWHERE i go. my friends usually grow weary of it, but i have a 20 pic minimum when we go out to events
2. i want patti labelle to adopt me-lol! seriously, i love her and she seems like such a down-home type. i bet dinners and gatherings at her place are so fun, at least they are in my mind :-)