Monday, June 30, 2008
This Weekend Was A Blast (Pic Post)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
You, My Dear, Are W-A-C-K!

**the strangers...who wrote this? the senior citizen committee of the emotionally disturbed? zzzzzzzzz**

**ok, so i know that robert downey jr is not technically in blackface and that hes playing character that disguised himself as black....but i can't get with it. what is this, soul man '08?**

**um, i think this was hollywood's attempt to wipe out will's shining stardom cuz this movie is an atrocity covered in hot garbage...thankfuly, he came to his sense later**

**the silliness is endless in this movie...from the blonde-haired man gang and the eddie griffin sidekick-gone-wild...this should have justs stayed in someone's dreams of being a superhero**
**and just for fun, the tv series BLADE. UGH!!!! someone, please pass me a blade to scoop my eyeballs out with!**
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
"Why?" Wednesday

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
To Gift Or Not To Gift...

morning everyone! your friendly neighborhood PCD is here and i'v got an opinion question of you all.
first let me say that i am an extraordinary gift giver, if i say so myself. i pride myself on taking real time to decided upon gifts that speak to the receiver, reflect their tastes and stand out. my gifts usually have multiple components and i always customize/personalize at least one of them. with that said, this aspect of my gift giving usually gets me in trouble. well, not literally...but trouble in the sense of being upset when people do not even think of me in the most basic of gift giving etiquette.

example...a college "friend" of mine was having a baby. we barely talk (or email) and only got reacquainted when she found out i was having a baby. we do not live in the same state. when it was almost time for the baby to be born, i got an invite to her baby shower. now of course, it was terribly (and shamelessly) a ploy for a gift because everyone knew full well i would not be attending the shower in 2 weeks from this far away. i mean, she's not my bff or anything. so while i started constructing my gift basket for her tike, i stopped dead in my tracks. when i had my baby i didn't get so much as an e-greeting saying congratulations. sure there were emails sent and they said how cute lil PCD was...but that really was just them being nosey wanting to see what she looked like. as i thought about it, i was bothered because people KNOW how much i put into gifts that i give. and i started to get angry. needless to say, i did not send a gift.

my decision bothered me because i actually enjoy giving gifts, especially for babies because i shop at boutiques for one-of-a-kind items a lot. i like to give things no one else will have given at the party (like what happened at my shower, i got 3 of the same thing-bleh!). i love to see that people's faces or hear their reactions. i take a lot of time finding things to comprise the gift so i really like hearing that the receiver likes it. now as of last week, i found out another "friend" just got engaged. she didn't even tell me...i found out on facebook and it was verified by word-of-mouth. now all of the sudden, i get an invite to the bridal shower...again, we are not in the same state, and she's bff's with the other person i just mentioned.
or like my cousin who i mentioned in previous posts...when my baby turned one, you'll never guess what she got her. she got a pair of jeans and a plain white long sleeved shirt. i understand that people's taste vary, but COME ON! but the kicker was that when i went to return it to the store, there was no gift receipt or tags so i had to ask her where it came from. she says target. so why when i went to guest service did they tell me that they only cost $3.30!?!?! TOGETHER!!! both items were on clearance and they cost THREE FRIGGIN DOLLARS???? and of course, for her babys b-day, i got her a basket with learning toys, an ABC caterpillar, a dress, some books, stuffed animals and had balloons tied to the handles
i'm like-WHY!?!? why do people think i'm so dumb? the sweet side of me wants to send something anyway cuz like i said, i love shopping for gifts, especially ones that stand out. but why should i? i'm starting to alter my thinking to the ideal that people should receive gifts from me because they "deserve" it, not just because i like giving them...
i struggle with this because i do not have (active) fair-weather relationships in my life. i just don't function like that. sure, people try to pull me into their fake associations, but i do not treat people like that. if we don't talk on a regular or semi-regualr basis, then don't reach out to me when its your birthday or wedding. i think that's fake. if when i got married and had my baby, you were only there to email your nosey picture requests, then don't send me invites to your crap in hopes of a gift. even someone really close to me is like that with their family...they don't talk unless its a holiday or event like birthday or someone's party. who DOES THAT?
Monday, June 23, 2008
To Be A Child....

Friday, June 20, 2008
I Was Tagged and I Tagged Myself-hee, hee
i love my legs...for real! i used to hate them, because they are so long. and of course, when you're growing up, you don't appreciate things about yourself that set you apart. but as the years have passed, i have fallen more and more in love with my legs. i love their they escalate me above the masses and glide me into a the muscles look when i walk or stand great they look in fab shoes are the last and most important ingredient to my leggy lusciousness...YAAAAAY for legs!
Da rules of this meme are as follows:
The more the better. You can either simply just include the pictures or even better give some description of what's in there...your favorites...where you (or how not) it's organized...and/or whatever else you want to include.
The more info the better...NO tidying up! If you want to turn around things so you can see the labels thats fine...but no re-arranging or cleaning things up.The whole point is to see things the way they actually are...naturally. If there is nothing in your fridge show that... Just keep it real!
Keep the tag going.Pick 7 other bloggers to join in on the fun and tag them by including their names after your post and by leaving a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged.
i liked this tag so i tagged myself-lol!
*this is the fridge. top shelf has some fresh mint, baby yogurt with that heifer dora the explorer on it, some smirnoff tea coolers, some mint lemonade, coffee creamer and pancakes. middle shelf has lots of cheeses, (cream cheese, mascarpone,cheddar, mozzarella), eggs, chicken broth and lil PCD's juice boxes. she also loves prune juice. bottom shelf has fruit (watermelon, oranges, peaches, apples), some dinner rolls, baby spinach, sour cream, feta cheese and collard greens.
*fridge drawer just has a bunch of salad and asparagus
*the fridge door consists of lots and lots of salad dressings (i eat lots of salad obviously), some white cooking wine, parmesan cheese, aloe vera (it feels so good & soothing on your skin when its cold!), wine, about 4 different types of mustard, capers, ketchup, garlic, baby's medicine, a small jar of mayonnaise, steak sauce and baking soda. up top is butter, baby juice and lemon juice
*freezer has some veggies, hash browns, ice cream cake from father's day, pizza, chicken nuggets, garlic bread, butter, ice, meat and these new bagel things i saw on tv called bagelfuls...haven't eaten them yet tho
*freezer door has veggies, whole grain pancakes, baby's ice pack and popsicles
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Dr. Jekyll and News Anchor-Hyde
*warning* a lot of profanity is used...but it's classic comedy!
ok....i'm sorry for being so silly. but i just died when he went from mr. upstanding pronounciation to cussing like a country sailor in 1.3 seconds flat!!
best line..."sh*t flying in my mouth, f*ck, i can't see,*t, let's get the f*ck out this country muthaf*cka" OMG!!!!!!!! his whole dialect changed like night and day. i mean, i know tv anchors use that "news" voice, but his is so drastcally different that its hee-larious! i was rolling on the floor, and of course, rewinding. i mean who says that? POLLEN!?!?! ok pretty circlers...have fun, have a laugh and don't get caught having sissy tantrums on tape!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Spanky Panky

before your minds go off into the gutter (lol), i have a serious question....
do YOU believe in spanking? do you practice it? if you don't have kids yet, do you intend on spanking?
i ask this because i really would like to hear different opinions on it. i personally do not spank. i do not judge others who choose to spank, but i would like to actually HEAR their reasoning behind it. this all started because, as i've mentioned before, i have a cousin who has a daughter 6 days younger than mine. this cousin and i are like night and day, complete opposites in EVERY way. i keep my lil' PCD dressed in cute little prissy outfits, and i do her hair every day, she is clean and i am a stickler for teaching manners, even tho she can't pronounce everything perfectly yet. she understands me tho. cousin's baby on the other hand is the opposite. she is usually dirty, dirt you can see on her and under her finger and toenails. her hair is never combed and she's pretty wild. she's also extremely ill-mannered.

so we went out last friday. we were in the mall. each and every store we went into, her baby was running, screaming, throwing and doing whatever she wanted. when her mother told her to stop, she didn't listen. and in each and every store we were in, she got spanked. and she kept displaying the same behavior even after her spanking. by the 7th store, i had had enough...for a number of reasons. now usually, i wouldn't say a word about how someone disciplines their kid...but i was tired of the crazed circus that was trailing behind me around the mall. so as the baby kept running and standing on the kiddie chairs in this store, she got spanking # 8. of course everyone looked at the spectacle, which was mostly the mother screaming and yelping at the unphased baby. and get this, the kid gets spanked so much, she doesn't even cry!
anyhoo, i was tired at this point, so i shooshed my cousin and ushered the baby to the kiddie chairs and said the same thing i said to my kid..."have a seat ma'am and don't move. be obedient. thank you." and there she sat. 2 minutes later, she was up, and i said it again, this time i was far away from her...she went to sit. 2 more minutes and we just kept going back and forth...but my point was that 1) i did not need to get loud and create a scene, 2) patience and a loving yet firm tone got my point across just fine, 3) at this age (they're 18 mos), no kid just sits completely quietly, twidling their thumbs whistling dixie and 4) she responded much more positively to me than her mothers' rants, raves and volume.

testing their limits is what they do...especially at this age. so to spank them for every thing they do, even if the action is deliberate would be fruitless. i have found that my tone and repetitive reinforcement has worked just fine for lil PCD. she is at a point where i can give her a look and she'll know i mean business. i was upset with my cousin because at this age, i don't believe they understand the "point" of spanking. sure they understand the pain...and they can relate their action to the pain of the impending spanking and possible fear of getting one...but do they understand the actual POINT? i would say no. needless to say, my cousin over-spanks.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Obama's Baby Wha?
(look at the captions under the people talking)
ok, so now we're referring to presidential candidate's wives as babymamas? ok, i see here...i see very clearly. FOX News and this correspondent chick (michelle malkin) has (of course) buckled under the pressure of her insinuations...she's also received some nasty emails...
from pearlene_scott
date Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 1:35 AM
subject Michelle Obamamailed-by
You disgusting racist slant eyed pig! How do you like the name calling? Referring to Senator Obama’s wife in your typical way is what the country expects from an ignorant racist pig like yourself. No one wants to listen to your racist rants anymore. May the nightmare that is you be gone soon.
******************************************from DALLAS PATRICIA BRUNER greeleystinks
date Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 12:03 AM
subject TIPmailed-by
I find your attacks on Mrs Obama disgusting. As someone of mixed race I wonder if your desire to take part in this behavior is due to self-loathing. Do you have issues about your own background and feel that you are somehow made “whiter” by saying these things? Believe me, to the crowd you associate with you are nothing more than the token brown girl with a cheerleader’s vocal affectation. You should be ashamed of yourself, and if you don’t have the grace to feel that way, I am ashamed for you. My tip for you is… start acting like a human being.
and i don't feel for her. you can't cry ignorant when affiliated in ANY way with FOX news. i hate to end this fun week with such foolishness...but i just wanted to spread the word....let your voice be heard at FOX...we're tired of their mess and they need to get it together
FOX NEWS 212-301-3000
Michelle Malkin
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tagged! Musically, This Time!
MEME Rules:
1. Put Your itunes/ music player on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER WHAT!!!After you’ve answered all of the questions, tag 5 other people and then let them know they’ve been tagged to do the meme themselves!

Love In A Special Way - Tamia (Remake of DeBarge)...let me first say that i love this song. thats all that matters for this question cuz i don't really get it :-S

Diamonds and Pearls-Prince...OMG!!! i feel this is accurate. my mum always told me growing up that i had champagne taste and that she hoped i would grow up and be able to manifest it because i aimed high...BOY IS THAT RIGHT!!!! i am such a girly girl, i love jewels, shopping, being soft and pink and i am very adventurous and diamonds and pearls *wink*

Get It Together-India.Arie...hmmmmmmm, this could be appropriate. i hate it when two people come together and choose not to compromise for the sake of their relationship and love for the other person. they should just "get it together" and be happy and in love :-)

Love's Holiday-Lalah Hathaway (Remake of EWF)...another great song!!! i am feeling pretty loved and had an appointment this morning and it went well, so all is good in the world

Feel All My Love Inside-Marvin Gaye...can you ever go wrong with marvin gaye? anyhoo, i guess i could spin this one to mean that my purpose is to spread love to people...what greater place to start than within your own fam?

Dirrty-Christina Aguilera...hee hee. sometimes PCD likes to get wild and crazy and just let my hair hang down...if you're gonna do it, do it well, and sometimes getting a little dirrty can be even more fun!

Pretty Lady - Mint Condition f. Charlie Wilson...*chuckling* i guess my friends think i'm pretty...this one was funny! maybe one of those hussies secretly hates my guts and thinks i'm a fugly witch *shrugging shoulders*

You Mean The World To Me-Toni Braxton...well, being that i am a SAHM, i spend every waking (and sleeping) minute with lil' PCD...who of COURSE means the world to me. i take many times during every day to just marvel at little things about her, like her long eyelashes, her little fingers, her innocence, her naughtiness when she's choosing not to listen, her i said, she's means the world...

Can You Stand The Rain-New Edition...ok. i'll roll with this one. explaining it is another story tho *ha!*also, see the answer three songs no do mathy!

Georgie Porgy - Eric Benet F. Faith Evans (Remake of Toto)...boy oh BOY!!!! just reverse those words of "georgie porgy puddin' pie, kissed the girls and made them cry" to "georgette porgie puddin' pie, kissed the boys and made THEM CRY!" and that would describe us to a TEE...back in the day of course. we were some heartbreakers....stayed slaying those boys left and right...and if i weren't married, we'd probably still be at it...thats my GIRL!!!

A Long Walk-Jill Scott...dang! IPod, are you inside my head or something? anyhoo, this is a perfect song for hubby and i. with a boisterous little princess, its great when we can take a walk, just the two of us, and chit-chat and take some peaceful time. and now thats its warm, summer night strolls are the BEST!!

Doing So Good-Destiny's Child...*ROFL* this IPod is giving me the BEST songs for this exercise...i really am feeling like this. my life is great! i want for nothing, hubby and i's plans are rolling steadily along with no problems, baby's great, mummy and pop live across the street from me...i have my friends and i'm doing so, so so so so gooooooooooood!!

Someday We'll All Be Free-Donny Hathaway...ooooooooooh, loves me some donny! who doesn't want to be free to do what their heart desires when the get older? good one!

It's Getting Late (Live) - Floetry...oooh, hubby,'s late...close the door and don't wake the baby...ha ha!

Broken But I'm Healed-Byron Cage...hmmmmmmm, parentals have seen my at every stage, doing well, making dumb choices, being smart, being an idiot...they've helped, they've let me learn and i am the FABULOUS PCD you see today because of my life lessons

Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat) - Digable Planets...even tho the wedding is over...i'd definitely put on my shades and boogie down to this...cuz i'm cool like dat!

Walk Along The River-The Laurie Berkner Band...stop laughing. it's a children's band and i have it on here for baby. but the title is great and could be applied...just with different words!

Electric Relaxation-Tribe Called Quest...(dangit kyle) well, i love to do many things...but after i get done running around doing those things, i LOVE to relax, electrically of course! :-P

If - Janet Jackson....WHOA!! don't you wonder IF!?!?! if i was your...if i did...if you could...if pantsuit wasn't such a scumbag...if you only knew baby! GOOD ONE!!!!

There She Goes-Babyface f. Pharrell...honey, we are some bad chicks! when we get ready to go out, we stop folks dead in their tracks! i told you how we like to get dressed up and we do so even if the occasion doesn't necessarily call for it...and i'm sure people think "there she goes" to themselves...hee hee