i am bothered that i am even at this crossroad...but i am having to decide (yet again) whether to try and support black or just get what i need done and handled properly. let's back up....
i used to be so bothered when i would drive through different neighborhoods and see how different cultures have pulled together to create businesses, and lifestyles from their own people, for their own people and with their own people. not bothered because of this...but bothered because rarely do i see clusters of black businesses and such. i USED TO be one to seek out black business with the intent of keeping my dollars black. i wanted to support. i wanted to enrich. i wanted to help upbuild those who had the foresight and ambition to start a business. i USED TO.
most of the time, i end up feeling like i'm trying so hard to befriend or support someone who doesn't care or even want to be bothered...like, I'M INFRINGING ON THEIR TIME AND RESOURCES WHEN SEEKING SERVICES FROM THAT INDUSTRY WHETHER IT BE FOOD, CUSTOMER SERVICE OR SPECIALIZED. i had a string of run-ins with bad attitudes when trying to spend my money. i ran into shotty jobs and half-done projects that took too long. i ran into a kitchen project that actually ended with me walking into my home to find a crew member taking a poop in my toilet and leaving potato chip bags on my bathroom floor. i decided to forget actively seeking black businesses and just go with the most professionally and appropriate candidate for whatever i needed at that time.
but every now and then i see where i can dip my foot back into the pool of black businesses....and as of late, i am regretting that i did. all i want is a dance class. i just want to enroll in a new dance class close to my home that has the dance style i'm interested in, a schedule that's flexible and is reasonably priced. i found one. it's owned and run by black women. i've reached out to them three times...once by email and twice by phone . i have YET to hear back from them. i need confirmation of very basic information....that being scheduling, price and such. i would also like a tour or to just peek in on a class in action. simple right? WRONG! it's been two weeks and i am livid!!!! mainly because this place is so conveniently close to my home that i really don't want to even look for another place. i almost felt like i would deal with whatever else just so i didn't have to go far. but i can't even get someone to answer the phone....let alone return a message or email.
it's turned me off in the worst way. i mean, while a dance class isn't a huge issue...it's something i was really wanting to do and while i am in the process of developing my summer schedule, i need to know my real options and obligations. and i believe whole-heartedly that you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. the impression i have now is terrible and i just wonder WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!
i would like to try black biz but my mom's had many of the same experiences you have so it def makes me look sideways. i think everything requires a referral, black or white.
Hey PCD! I'm all about supporting minority-owned businesses. I think I'm more sensitive to the issue of supporting us because my father was in business for himself, and always talked about black people "thinking the white man's ice is colder." But hey, bad business is bad business, no matter who's running things. And you're right, you only get one time to make a first impression.
I totally understand where u are coming from! I don't like when a black business tell u to call and they will get back to u! Then they never do! That's ridiculous, run ur business the way it should be ran and maybe u will get more black business! Following up with similar is very beneficial to ur business!
I totally feel ya girl
I am with Elle on this one. I support minority businesses. We as a people need to become more self reliant.
But again business is business no matter what color you are. And clearly they don't need or want your business bid them good day.
Hey PCD!
So sorry for your frustrations my Sistah! I can't say that I purposely choose white or black businesses. I tend to frequent businesses that show love (respect, friendliness, concern, etc). If you make a good first impression you've got a dedicated customer!
I think that there are poor business people of all colors, but WE get frustrasted with our unprofessional black business people because it's a reflection on US. I think it's cool to seek out to support your own, but you are not wrong for expecting quality....my suggestion is keep doing you, but find those who can appreciate your business no matter what color they are or you are for that matter.
To me it makes no difference but I hear where you are coming from 100%
I dont have time for attitudes, I know most of the time Im going to get more enthused service out of the RIGHT side than the Black
Good Topic
I really don't care about skin tone, I just prefer good service and someone that at least acts as if they are happy to have me as a patron. I've had poor service from both Black people as well as many others. But I do understand and feel the same way in regards to wishing that we could come together as a race and build each other up. I feel that we are more than capable, but too many of us have tainted and warped perceptions about too many things and just life in general.
I think it depends on the business. I mean, there are some shady black businesses, but I've had successful interactions as well, whether it be art purchases, catering, etc. I try to support black businesses, because I believe in it. But I always prefer the best services, whatever race, because I'm not supporting a charity, I want what I pay for.
anutha gem, sis
I FEEL u on this one!! Here's my .02
You only get 1 time to make a first impression. But it's also our responsibility to let them know that you wanna do bizness with them but if they don't get it together then you'll go elsewhere. Some of our people don't know when they are messsin' it up. And we can remind them in a nice way.
I'm with you 100% here... I've had pretty much the same experiences.I definitely go out of my way to support black owned businesses and I have a very high standard for them, which 7/10 is not met up to.
I understand exactly what you mean. I try to tell my friends this but they look at me like Im retarded or they just don't give a damn. I cant speak for other locations but where I'm at..we don't call the beauty supply store, the "beauty supply store" we called it the "chinese store" because nearly all the hair supply stores are ran by asians. Once you get sick of being stalked by them in the aisles because they think you are going to steal, you kind of learn to keep your dollar black. So if me and my mother have to travel a little further to go to a black owned beauty supply store, then that is what we do.
and YES some black businnesses are a let down, and some of them are never up on their game, BUT theyre still my people and I still do what I can to support them.
PCD!!!!! how ya been girl....
well i agree with you totally...
i dont try to spend my money jus on black owned businesses... but if i had a choice to go to the record store in the hood to get a cd rather than going to circut city...ima go spend my money wit the black folks...
but most of the time the whole "customer service" is jus not there wit our people...but i love it cuz i get smart right back wit they asses!!! LOL
i feel you wit the whole dance class thing...and its close to home.....i think you should go up there and say.....
lol......well, i would say that!!!!
yes i purposely try to support black business and when I happen to have a bad experience i remember that not all non-black owned business are always squeaky clean and easy to deal with either... when I first moved to ny I used to always spend my money downtown... but I have learned to love the quirks that are harlem and after come up here for dinners at black owned restaurants, bowling alleys, movies, etc... I just am smarter about the situation...
For example if I want to enjoy a movie... I will never go to the magic johnson theatre the weekend a movie opens because I will be annoyed will all the loud talking, etc that goes on the opening weekend of a black movie at a black theatre. I'll either go in the afternoon instead of at night or wait until the next weekend.
Now I dont bend over backwards though... if its just a bad business I am not going to continue to support it just because its black.
i support black business, but look for good service over race.
Poor service is poor service and I just can't tolerate it from anybody! Although I can totally relate to what you're saying about supporting black-owned businesses with poor service. I say, don't go back it if wasn't a pleasant experience and that goes for all races, but it's hard when you want to help our fellow brothers and sisters.
Well, I'm obviously not black.. so I hope you don't mind me commenting on this...but I support small business over chain buisness every chance I get. I typically get great service from small businesses... be it black, white, Latino (my husband is Panamanian)
I like having my likes and dislikes remembered and I like the extra attention a small business typically gives their costumers, which is something you never get from a chain.
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