dear ipod touch, i'm in love with you.
now i'm no techy, but this is such a fabulous accessory that i really had to post about it today. hubby got me the Ipod Touch and i have been enamored with it for a number of reasons. the touch screen is so easy to work (even the type pad) and the format for everything is so highly organized, that it has become my new personal assistant. for men and their big hands, i must say that the type pad is a little slim, but after a little while, anyone could get the hang of it. (i did watch a man in the store type away with no hassle but he had 3 weeks of working it). i love how you can scroll thru your music by album cover. the calendar is well organized with various views that are super swell and of course...it looks so cool!

i highly recommend this to anyone who needs some organizational help and a place for their music. you'll be surprised how you'll use all of the other functions like navigation, youtube, weather and all. oh, and don't be sassy like me and think you can be lazy and purchase a stylus for touching buttons because that does not work-lol! and of course, i had to dress mine in a snazzy pink leather cover. TOO CUTE!!

I was just reading about this little gadget the other day, but didn't know anyone that owned one that could give me an honest review on it. I am somewhat technologically inept, but this seems pretty easy to naviagate and get the hang of. I wonder if it would be ideal for the gym, though...
Latest purchase was my laptop, which I adore (then the job gave me a newer one go figure)! Now I can blog from any room in the house or my bed :). I also bought a new digi camera LOVE IT. I was on a spending spree can you tell :)
I want the touch but I think I will hang onto my classic ipod for now, I only got it a year ago.
I just picked up a Tmobile Shadow. So far so good. I don't want ANYTHING else touchscreen. Bad experience lol.
okay must I say that I love my ipod touch. it goes with me every where and I listen to it through my radio. you have to have an adapter though but i does fine in my honda.
i recently purchased the iphone and i must say that i love my phone, it is a one stop shop all in one.
and i just recently purchased my hp laptop by which i am typing you. I love it and since i will be definitely moving in my own place in 2 weeks i needed it.
but i love new gadgets, the only bad thing is that i get bored with them and move on to the next best thing. sad isnt it, ask me where my digital camera is,lol
I LOVE that pink & brown case. My cousin has one of these and it seems like a very cool gadget to get. I might buy my hubby one.
stace has one of those and i almost stole it from her when she was here!!! my next tech purchase is going to need to be a laptop. apple of course.
Good post, PCD
My fav thing is this blackberry. I can't put it down. Some say that it is glued to my hand. That's not true. I could do without it. I mean...it's not like i bring it to bed with me...no more. LMAO!!!
Oh wee baby, you sho made me wants to go get a iPad. Felt like I was reading a commerial or somethang like that. Hell I mite pass on buying panty drawers with my stimulus check and go gets me one of them fancy iPads. Anyway, my new tech-o-stuff is a camroda corders. Me and my sugar son (opposite of sugar daddy)Tyron wanna gets into making videos of some sort. So I been toying round with that a bit. Matta fact it ain't true bout looking bigga on camera. Baby I den brought sexy back. Take care now.
Ruthie Ann
@ queen...its pretty much the same as the other ipods as far as transport. you can get an armband for this one as well...hope that helps :-)
@ F-it...girl, hubby bought me pinky the wonder laptop with all these bells and whistles and i LOVE it sp i know the feeling. he's the gadget guy so he keeps me pretty much up on the latest or most functional things. altho i do want another camera right about now...
@ adrienne...welcome to the circle! and do i even want to know what happened to you and the previous touchscreen? lol
@ dreamcop...YAY!!! another touch owner....ok see, you are really into the gadgets!!! :-)
@ bgg...you know i had to throw some pink on it somehow! and i think your hubby would love it...even tho mine got this for me....i see him drooling from my side-eye-lol!
@ jameil...ok, see i'm glad you mentioned you might have to lift stace for hers...cuz of you come up missing, we'll know why now!
@ 12kyle...hey i understand. i had to make myself put it down. but i must admit, i do bring pinky to bed...a lot!
@ pew view...videos!?!? i think i'd pay to see those-lol!!!
Hey Sistah PCD!... I have several technical toys but the one that gets all the attention without a doubt is...My Treo. I stay blogging...texting....picture taking....poem writing....game playing...internet surfing...direction seeking... and ministering on that thing! ...Some of my friends and family hate my Treo cause they say I can't live without it.... Treo gets a lot of attention for sure. What I love must about Treo is that it's user friendly for a sistah like me!
My lastest gadget was an Asus eee pc mini laptop in blush pink, but I had to return it. While it was great for web surfing the keyboard was too small to do any heavy writing on.
I looked at the iPod Touch, but got an iPhone instead.
im a lil late but i jus got the sidekick lx!!! im so in love with it!!!
gurl, that is so cute...i think i might need one of those, but my latest and greatest tech buy has to be my laptop, my baby...!
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