*some pics NSFW*
the other day, a repeat of the dave chappelle show was on. it was the episode with charlie murphy and rick james...one of the funniest episodes ever! as i laughed like i'd never seen it before, i really felt a little blue. why? because i miss dave chappelle. i really miss him. his show was hilarious. his stand-up was super funny. and he even had great musical guests on his show. his comic relief was effortless. and i miss it.

the good thing is that while his exit from the spotlight seemed abrupt and early, he went out on a high note. he didn't wait until he dried up all of his funny juices and became utterly wack. he left lots of people wishing, hoping, praying, he'd come back...and i respect that ANY day over someone who doesn't know when to throw in the towel.
another example is the show Girlfriends. they were just snatched off of the air with no proper finale or farewell show. they left us hanging...and even tho i'm sure there were more politics involved rather than personal choice, the point is people were salty about their exit. we wanted them back. shoot, i still do.

now, on the other hand, there are some who reeeeeeeeeeeeally squeeze us for every drop of tolerance we have. they tap our wells of love dry, they abuse our well-wishes, they beat us over the head with propaganda that sometimes is lacking in quality...and me no likey. so i compiled a list of folks who i would like to see SIT DOWN....but the thing is, its not because they aren't talented (like tiffany "new york" pollard or ray-j), its just that they're doing too much. and i personally don't even get the chance to say, "wow, what happened to so-and-so? where've they been?" here goes:
BEYONCE: while i like her style, singing and her FIRST album, i feel like she really tries to force us to adore her. i know she wants to be an icon, but i'm sick of it. the last album made me barf, then the re-release was just pointless. now, the first album was insane. loved it! and now she's everywhere even when her "people" are trying to get their shine. sister solange was on some show, and they're asking beyonce how she feels about her and her new album. michelle has been trying to release her album for, like ever, and now beyonce is releasing not one, but TWO singles on the day michelle's album is scheduled to finally drop. thats shady to me. it's like, anything to distract from something or someone else....

HER HUBBY, JAY-Z: while he is a great rapper and has had great success, what is he, like 40 years old? are we trying to set some type of record? perhaps be the first geriatric rapper? and i thought he retired? altho i'm not a big fan of rap these days, if there is a great song that comes out, i give it its props, like nas...but i'd like to see jay-z get his complete grown man swag on and say peace to rapping. he's got the business aspect going, so no one's saying sit down and twiddle your thumbs....

RIHANNA: now before you bite my head off, i will say, i like rihanna a lot. i think she's cute, spunky and different. but let's face it, the pipes aren't all that. she has a gimmick, and its propelled her super stardom..but i would hate to see her ride it into the gutter. she's on top right now...but pushing the envelope too far when your talent is mediocre is risky.

LIL' WAYNE: ok, i get that you also have sold a kazillion records...but you're doing the t-pain. on EVERYBODY and their granny's song...and starting to sound mundane. not to mention, you are rumored to be addicted to cough syrup and who-knows-what-else and it's just not a good look. neither are you

MARIAH CAREY: madame, you're pushing 40 as well. and not only did this last album not live up to expectation, your style is remedial. i won't even discuss the fiasco of a wedding/husband you supposedly have...but to constantly have these butterfly/sparkly/micro-mini/high school fashion going on STILL is deplorable. i believe you should have evolved into a much more classy package, stop wearing the shades at night and focus on the music. i really think the pub stunt that was this marriage backfired and turned people off of this last album...gone are the days of Butterfly and Emancipation of Mimi-sigh

VIVICA A FOX: honey, i love me some aunt viv...but that show "Glam God" on vh1 is such a snooze, i'm ashamed she's affiliated with it. i know she probably needed the work, especially with how ridiculous Three Can Play That Game was...but this was not the move. and the funny wigs and sparkly outfits are just not working for me.

ICE-T: boo, what exactly is it that you do? i know you were a pioneer in the world of rap. but what are you doing now? all i see is you and the woman you call wife doing nasty and desparate acts in public. is that really your wife? you really don't care how you treat her in front of folks? she's really down for that mess? i just don't get it. are you all a traveling freak show? are you in a band? what gives?

NELLY: now, nelly...i just saw a commercial for your last album this morning. i had no idea! when did it come out? i never really was a fan of the music. simplistic nursery rhymes, cussing, bling-talk and chick dissing was never my cup of tea. but i did however become a fan of nelly the model. this is what i miss and think you should pursue. the rapping seems to be a rap sweetums

now on the flip side, there are some folks who i wish i could see more of:



D'ANGELO (pre-crack)