...to all our company
PCD.....will see you real soon
Please don't cry....why? because i love you
I'll be back, you'll seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
ah, ha ha! silly yes, but serious. PCD is going on a somewhat brief hiatus. alas, i will return on Valentine's Day
....so if you still remember me by then, PUH-LEASE stop by on that day!! until then, i will still read you guys, but i just won't be posting. so, blog family...
have fun, be safe!
You know i don't do good with you guys leaving so i'll just hang my head and wave bye....*sad face*
Aww! We'll miss you! Be good.
wtf?? noooooooo don't leeeeeeeeeve!
Lacrimation, Don't go.
"And I'll take with me the memories, to be my sunshine after the raiiinnnnnnnnn,it's so hard to say goodbye to yesterdaaaaaaaaayyyyy" Like GC Cameron in coolie high.
I hope all is well.
I will definitely miss PCD, but I'll be back on V-Day to check back in with you. Enjoy your time off!! I could use a break myself! LOL :-)
Awwww PCD, enjoy yourself, have a great time off.
Hope to see you around the blogosphere.
I'm sure going to miss my PCD fix.
WHAT???? Why is everyone leaving or going private? Will you promise to stop by Ink on the Sheets...I enjoy your comments but I don't see them too often....be blessed sistah and trust me I'll still remember you in Feb..I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.
p.s. Not sure if I told you this..but you inspired me to pay more attention to politics...it was never my cup of tea and my dad totally disliked that about me...but now I can actually talk to him about politics because of your inspiration...so thank you...and God bless you and the family!
Dang, I was just getting back on the bandwagon :)
Enjoy your time off!
I'm with Elle, I, too, was just getting back in there.
Well, I hope you have a mavericky swell time during your hiatus. Just don't forget about us.
*Singing that song from Cooley High*
And we were just getting to know each other too.Dagggg PCD.
First Dreamy, Now You...What's going on??
Valentine's! Darn. We'll miss ya!
Wow. I must say you have an interesting view point on life.. and in someway you always made me laugh. I wish you and baby girl the best. Please don't for get me..I will check on you on V-day..but just a question why that day? and why are you leaving?
Well, if you must say goodbye then I wish you well. I'll be here when you get back. Have fun and be safe girl.
Every time I say hello you say goodbye...HELLO HELLO......why when I come back you leaving...*sad face* on the contrary, I know what it feels to close the doors if only for a moment so I will be anticipating your return girly...
STOP TOYING WITH MY EMOTIONS!! *insert choice words*
Oh Lawd Pretty Lady dont tell me you locked up too. Baby me and Mabel misses you. Take care now.
Ruthie Ann
you and me us never part
you and me us have one heart
aint no ocean aint no sea
keep my sistah way from me
you lied to us!!!!!! you said that you would still come by our spot and no one has seen you!!!!! :/
thanks for comin thru!!!
AWWWWWWW, will miss you PCD.
Enjoy your time away from the pc
Enjoy your blog-cation! :)
too late many of us cried....boo hoo hoo!
You better come back! lol
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