*WARNING*(graphic pic below)

yup, thats my big ol' belly. i am suuuuuuper, mega knocked up...again! and back in the fall, i was going thru it-for real! i was sick as a dog and could barely drag myself out of bed, let alone write/read blogs. to be honest, i don't even have the energy now. i am huge, uncomfortable, roly-poly and steadily anticipating the end....so with that being said, i will continue to lurk around everyone else's blog and The Pretty Circle will probably collect dust again. regardless, i felt like i owed you guys an explanation....so there you have it!
Well Congrats Mrs PCD! You are super preggers, go put your feet up, eat ice cream and enjoy!
Pregnancy would have never caught me even saying the word Blog.
Congradulations to you Ms. PCD..
We totally understand.. Just glad to hear from you for a little while.
Whooooo baby! That is a bigun!
very many congrats! how exciting!
OMG that's great! Congrats PCD!! Look at that belly! lol Is it another girl?
Congratulations!! I just gave birth to a darling little girl January 30th. I neglected my blog as well!
I commend you for coming back. I can only imagine how tough it would be to maintain a blog if you're feeling sick every day. I went through that...I mean...Mrs12 went through that. I didn't go thru a damn thang! LOL
*internet dap* to your husband! hehehehee! It's truly a blessing
btw...thanks for coming thru on the days that you did. it meant a lot. much luv to ya, sis.
Way to make a sista feel like crap for giving you a hard time while you were away. I am SO sorry!
Congrats on the new off-spring! Is Lil' PCD excited?
She's probably going to be a little jealous at first and then a huge help!
Congrats again!!!
That is wonderful Mrs. PCD!! Congrats on your miracle on the way and for filling us in on the news.
WOW Sistah! That was quite a surprise to see...CONGRATULATIONS and I pray that you have a smooth delivery and a healthy baby....take care of yourself!
girl, you had me scared... I was almost TOO scared to scroll down! lol
But *whew* it was just a pregnant belly... CONGRATULATIONS!
WOW!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! How wonderful and exciting for you and your family! I wish you all the best. We PCD readers are so glad to have you back! :-)
CONGRATULATIONS CHICA! You have been sorely missed. But I'm happy for you and the fam. Take care of yourself!!
Now little Miss PCD has a new playmate! I am so happy for you. You know the dril...Rest up while you can.
Awwww. That's SO NICE! Congrats!
Jusssss stoppin thru to see if the Stork came yet.
@ kyle...i regret to inform thee, that i am still extremely pregnant...wishing, hoping and praying for the end of this journey...ugh
@ everyone...thanx for your congratulatory wishes...next up-being born! WOO-HOO!!! can't wait!
Oh my! Congratulations! Please take care of yourself. You are missed but take your time.
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